Untitled (Past Present Series)Chetan Mevada
Painting | Cms : 25.4 x 33.02 | Inches : 10 x 13 | Ink on Paper and Cutting
Untitled (Past Present Series)Chetan Mevada
Painting | Cms : 25.4 x 33.02 | Inches : 10 x 13 | Ink on Paper and Cutting
Untitled (Past Present Series)Chetan Mevada
Painting | Cms : 25.4 x 33.02 | Inches : 10 x 13 | Ink on Paper and Cutting
UntitledApurva Desai
Painting | Cms : 76.2 x 53.34 | Inches : 30 x 21 | Dry Pastel on Silver and White Paper
UntitledApurva Desai
Painting | Cms : 76.2 x 53.34 | Inches : 30 x 21 | Dry Pastel on Silver and White Paper
UntitledApurva Desai
Painting | Cms : 109.22 x 73.66 | Inches : 43 x 29 | Dry Pastel on Silver and White Paper
Journey from Atom to Universe - 4Vipul Rathod
Painting | Cms : 71.12 x 101.6 | Inches : 28 x 40 | Mixed Media
Journey from Atom to Universe - 3Vipul Rathod
Painting | Cms : 71.12 x 101.6 | Inches : 28 x 40 | Mixed Media
Journey from Atom to Universe - 2Vipul Rathod
Painting | Cms : 71.12 x 101.6 | Inches : 28 x 40 | Mixed Media
Journey from Atom to Universe - 1Vipul Rathod
Painting | Cms : 71.12 x 101.6 | Inches : 28 x 40
The Basement of Interstitial space-03Anil Thambai
Painting | Cms : 182.88 x 91.44 | Inches : 72 x 36 | Graphite on sun hemp, banana paper over wood panel
Basement of Interstitial space-02Anil Thambai
Painting | Cms : 45.72 x 60.96 | Inches : 18 x 24 | Graphite on sun hemp, banana paper over wood panel
Basement of Interstitial space-01Anil Thambai
Painting | Cms : 45.72 x 60.96 | Inches : 18 x 24 | Graphite on sun hemp, banana paper over wood panel
Repetition is Not Repetition- 01Anil Thambai
Painting | Cms : 60.96 x 137.16 | Inches : 24 x 54 | Graphite on Sunhemp Paper over Plywood Panel
Repetition is Not Repetition- 02Anil Thambai
Painting | Cms : 121.92 x 91.44 | Inches : 48 x 36 | Graphite on Sunhemp Paper over Plywood Panel
Mason Doesn't Make MistakesAnil Thambai
Painting | Cms : 121.92 x 91.44 | Inches : 48 x 36 | Graphite on Sunhemp Paper over Plywood Panel
From Pillar to Post- 02Anil Thambai
Painting | Cms : 60.96 x 45.72 | Inches : 24 x 18 | Graphite on Sunhemp Paper over Plywood Panel